This works in pretty much the same way it would if you were to hit up your favourite search engine and typed in your question, except, when you hit the PICK RICH’S BRAIN button below, you’ll receive real-person support, care + intel, no matter WHAT your question.

I've been offering this in many ways to many people for over ten years now.
From A list celebrities to single mummas, from truck drivers to spiritual adepts - we all need a trusting, no judgement ear, who will hold counsel as we work through a thing, right?

So I want to open this up to you.

Ask me Anything - there’s NO judgement - I’m a professional human helper, I’ve been a nurse for over 10 years, I’m a shamanic health practitioner, there is nothing that is ‘too much information’ for me.

Bodies, sex, trauma, magic, spirituality, cults, the whole gamut of human experience. Nothing will scare me off or freak me out + any space that I create is always a zero judgement space.

Audio reading

You’ll book a session using the system below, you’ll pay and once payment has been received, I’ll ask for your details: and what you want insight into.

I’ll record your reading and you’ll receive it as a downloadable audio file within ten working days of placing your order.

NOTE: Any session booked with me is a zero judgement space.  No question is too weird or too wild.

I’m on my own mythic adventure, exploring and failing forward, experiencing it all.
I simply offer, with a big open heart, guidance and support and location astrology is one of my favourite ways to do that.

Others include birth rune readings, or a ‘pick my brain’ session which is essentially booking a session  and in the same way you ask google a thing, you ask me, rich, a thing and we’ll open up a space together online and I’ll share my guidance and intel as a professional human helper, a shamanic health practitioner and someone who offers no-nonsense, direct from the heart wisdom.

Ask Me Anything Session
Sale Price:£65.00 Original Price:£165.00


Navigate to your True North to discover your HERO SOUL


Find your True North


The ancients walked the pathways of fate and mythos.
I invite you, in these interesting and wild times, to walk that path too.

The path that’s been untrodden for hundreds, thousands, of years.

The path that’s overgrown and/or has deliberately been hidden under centuries of dogma, programming and social hypnosis.

The path that will lead you back.
Back to your power, to your victory + to your soul-led destiny.

Join me, Rich Lister, author of Runes Made Easy, and the soon-to-be-published, Runic Star Paths to learn the forbidden, buried and burned mysteries of the ancient Vikings.
Mysteries and learnings that wars and history have tried hard to erase.

Mysteries that will, if you let them, lead you to your personal liberation, victory, and power.

This is the Hero Soul Journey.
It’s nothing to do with Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey and it’s everything to do with you taking a Hero Soul Journey.
A journey where the map appears when you declare ‘I’m ready.’ (Because the Hero Soul Journey is one of taking fierce self-responsibility.)
A journey where you will first go inwards, getting underneath the familial conditioning, beliefs and societal programming to discover and reveal your True North, your Hero Soul.


The ancient story tellers, through myth and folk tales, would support us to build pathways and maps in and through our subconscious and psyche, to access our deepest hopes and dreams and to uncover our greatest gifts and talents. What we’d discover would help us to stay aligned with our true north, to stay centred, focused and on-purpose as we navigated the sea of life, direct from our hero soul. 


In our social media and technologically driven world, a world where the hypnosis of the over-culture tries, and in some case is wildly successful, to disconnect and distract us from the hero soul journey, how can we return to the path?

The hero soul-led path – that’s you, connected at your centre, to your true north, all that’s important, creative and fecund so that you’re able to:
       - untangle yourself from fear-based narratives

-       Remember and revere the mythos and the mysteries of those that have gone before

-       reconnect to your body, your wisdom and your power

-       navigate the current sea of uncertainty and chaos from a soul-deep, body-centred alignment


As someone who has often felt ‘lost at sea’, I’ve created Hero Soul Journey – a combination of storytelling, runic star paths and really practical self enquiry - to help YOU to discover your own true north.  For the last 10+ years, I’ve navigated a breakdown AND a breakthrough after what I considered would be a career-for-life as an A+E nurse was no longer the job I signed up for, marriage and all that comes with being in relationship with a powerful woman – from the incredible to the WTactualF?, to now being an author, a storyteller, a guide for these times.


I invite you to join me, as I share my own Hero Soul Journey - the maps and the tools and the mythos and the mysteries that have all supported me, and to use what I share as touch-points, pins in the map, as you set off on your own hero soul-led adventure that’s aligned with YOUR gifts, talent, power, purpose + destiny.


Especially a soul-led hero. A hero that knows who they are (underneath all that they’ve been told + sold) trusts themselves and is able to keep realigning and course-correcting because they are in consistent connection with their true north.

Modern fictional heroes all have the ‘Tragic Back Story’. From Luke Skywalker to Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen to Natalia Romanov. Now, we don’t need to be quite so dramatic, as thankfully our lives are not constructed for the dramatic impact and entertainment of others (unless you’re a Leo, obviously!)

I will invite you, on this Hero Soul Journey, to discover your personal Wyrd, Fate, or Orlog.
It’s an ever-changing map, specific to you, that is constantly being weaved and reweaved by the Norns, in co-collaboration with you and your thoughts, beliefs and actions.
The good news is that it is a co-collaboration.

You get to pull at the strings of the wyrd and change it’s course by also changing your thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
But first you need to take the path inwards, to meet your hero soul because it’s our hero soul, the one that resides beneath all the societal, cultural and familial programming and patterns, who is ever tethered and anchored to our truest north.

Your hero soul knows:
- what you value
- what you trust
- Your life purpose
- Your greatest gifts and talents  

The ancients knew that leaving home with no direction and no purpose would leads to failure and ultimately, death. No one starts a victorious journey without a direction and purpose. So let this HERO SOUL JOURNEY take you from being lost at sea, overwhelmed, fearful and/or confused to knowing who you are, and being able to navigate the turbulent seas of these times with purpose, direction, and self-knowledge.



What would it feel like to:

-       live life on-purpose and in soul alignment?

·      have full access to your body’s power, skills and abilities, and to have them working for you, not against you?

·      access your innate powers of self-reliance and responsibility and agency that has been stripped by progressive generations of societal hypnosis?

·      Co-collaborate with the Norns, the Gods, and the Universe to weave new stories and course-correct old and outdated ones?

·      Emit your true-to-you frequency, using tools and techniques that were burned/censored/erased from history over a millennium ago?


The Hero Soul Journey will help you discover who you are, where you are and what direction to go in next. With short, easy-access audio and visual lessons, storytelling, workbooks and deeply powerful self-discovery enquiry, I can’t promise it’ll always be comfortable, but like every hero that has ever taken a journey that was led direct by their soul and in alignment with their true north will testify, it will definitely be worth it.



Over the course of the HERO SOUL JOURNEY you will:

TRACK Because if you don’t know where you’ve come from, how will you know where you are going? You’ll get curious as who you are, what it is you believe and stand for, so that you can create a life that aligns with your values and beliefs.

STALK Because without knowing what your you-nique abilities and powers are and how they can be used in your favour, how will you know what’s YOUR right-direction?

You’ll stalk your natural skills, talents and gifts and discover precisely how to work with them.

MAP Because if we don’t have direction, how will you ever get anywhere?
Through deep devotional practices and rituals derived from used by the ancients, you’ll go under the cloak and connect with the threads of the universe, so that you can then map your soul-led course in alignment and concordance with your own wisdom, the gods and the Nornic weavers of your destiny – true north. 

NAVIGATE Because one thing I know for sure is that this is not a linear path. The seas of these times means that there will always be challenges, they may not be the same as those told in the stories and folktales of the ancients, but they WILL happen no matter how much you plan. This is part of the power of your Hero Soul Journey.


BUT…if you know who you are, if you’re anchored to your true north, if you have a map, if you have clear direction and a knowledge of the terrain, the hero soul-led path WILL be a much more aligned and self-created (in collaboration with the Norns, obviously)  adventure that ultimately always leads to self-victory, personal liberation and a little magic and synchronicity thrown in too.



The HERO SOUL JOURNEY is available in 3 tiers to help support your needs and requirement



$222 (usd)

Access to the Videos, audios, and workbook for THE HERO SOUL.

Access to the Telegram Group to ask me questions as you quest.


Jarl of THE HERO SOUL (Limited to Twelve)

$333 (usd)

The Theign Package


A runic Star Path Birth rune and reading and a Bog Oak Pendant (or for a someone else if you’ve already got one).



Yggdrasil package (Limited to Nine)

$444 (usd)



A session with me for one hour for Spiritual Mentorship, Rune Reading and/or Coaching.

The extras are available for you to choose once you are in The Hero Soul Journey.  


Please note, while the prices are in USD, I’m based in Europe, The UK to be specific. And I’m available in UK time. The Telegram Group will have my interaction daily, in my time, probably around 1300hs BST (8AM EST, 5AMPST, 10pmAEST). The telegram group will remain active until at least the 21-6-2023.


Are you ready to unleash your hero’s soul?