Everything Starts at the Beginning.
Everything Starts At The Beginning.
Whether you are hobbit in your hole, on the train to wizard school, in the interview room at a new job, sobbing messy and noisy at a festival as the world has just changed.
Everything has a beginning, and beginnings are often traumatic. Not like clinical traumatic, traumatic as they move us from where we are comfortable, where we know.
Bilbo by his fire, Luke in his speeder, Katniss in her home, Harry in Stairs, the list in story goes on. In life beginnings are often self-initiated. You’ve made an active choice to be in a place. Like you have chosen to be here.
Other times the choice is made for us. The infection, the crash, the redundancy, the breakup, the IED, the event.
There is a lot of people in the world who can help you with Trauma, if trauma is your pain. Here is not that space. Here is a space to help you manage your Spiritual Trauma your emergent spiritual power. This emergence of your spiritual connection can be quite the experience. Trust me, I’ve done it. I’d not want to do it again.
Some manage it with booze or drugs. Some dive into an ashram, others medicate, others still ignore it. I’ve tried most, if not all of those. They kind of work, but not for long.
Here we will learn guidance practices that I’ve learned, and been taught by medicine keepers and spirt, that worked for me and those who’ve walked this path before.
If you are here, you know there is a spark within you, kind of like Elphaba
Something has changed within me
I'm through with playing by the rules
I love that song.
This nexus of beginning is one that when chosen is softer than when enforced. The shaman, magic user, Völva, Witch of old knew this, and would search for the spark of change in their people so that the person with the spark would not be blind-sided.
We live in a more dispersed population now. A population that is spread over mountain and Fjord, sea, and sand, in desert and forest. And… everything in between.
Here in this collective we will learn some skills to soften that experience of emergence. TO change the emergence from a horrifying and terror filled event to go through by yourself. To one that you have the skills and abilities to action to feel more human as the edges of the worlds are blurring around you.
So, to start, lesson one, on the day of Petr the Hot Stones, when we delve into the cracks of our psyche as the seasons change from winter to summer.
The Pathway to the new year starts with the shift of the runic energy into Tiwaz and the sacrifice of the old to welcome in the new.
Here is a Tiwaz Play List
And below are the audios for this lesson.
And a link to the Tiwaz work sheet is here.
and the Tiwaz Values work book is here.
Big love
Rich xxx
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