Radical Rest: The Book Where I got the information.
You’ve read the book! Yay!
You want to know where I got all the information from?
Right, one thing, I am not going to properly reference, as I’m no longer at Uni, and no-one is making me. Harvard Rules me no more.
You’ve brought the book! Yay! Thankyou.
You want to know where I got this info from, and that I’ve not made it up?
That is fair enough.
I’m not going to lie; I accidently deleted my reference list in an attempt to organise my life. Here is my reconstruction.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a concept I was taught in nurse school, lots of people don’t like it now, due to more trauma thinking. I think it still works; we just need to think harder about some of the concepts. I got my info from nurse school.
I hear your gasp, I just linked to Wikipedia. I did, and I’ll do it again.
Human Biology: Anatomy and Physiology; Ross and Wilson
Shake it off Naturally; David Bercelli
SPD on page 80
Being in nature: 66/67
Exercise and Stress: 68
All of ‘Rest and your Body’
Polyvagal Theory https://www.stephenporges.com
Stephen Porges is great with how our bodies react to stress.
Porges: The Pocket Guide to Polyvagal Theory.
Steve Haines https://bodycollege.net
Trauma is Really Strange
Pain is Really Strange
Anxiety is Really Strange
All by Steve Haines. These three books are probably the most useful I’ve used. I recommend them to my clients every day.
Rest your Mind:
Blue Light blockers: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07420520903044398
The pattern breaking in Rest your Mind is an NLP technique.
There is a pull-out of page 85, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/001401397188396
Resting to Repair
Pooping and Peeing… Look I spent a long time measuring pee and poop. Experience tells me it’s a useful thing to know. Plus the ancient doc whom I worked with from Iran was uber obsessed with his patients pee and poop. In the two weeks he was a Locum we had no deaths on that Geriatric Ward.
Stress and Food: That is Porges and Haines again, they are good at activated body states.
Fasting, www.bulletproof.com Dave Asprey.
Hydration, Human Biology: Anatomy and Physiology; Ross and Wilson
Sleep and Immunity: https://aacnjournals.org/ccnonline/article/32/2/e19/20424/Sleep-and-Immune-Function
Orgasm and hormones: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ben/cdt/2018/00000019/00000012/art00003
Orgasms being good: Dur….
Uber Naps:
Boundless; Ben Greenfield
Societies Darling.
That’s Porges again.
Resting For Resilience:
Becoming the Iceman; Wim Hoff
Michael Breus: He developed Chronotypes https://thesleepdoctor.com