Wales and Astrolgoy

Hi Radiant one


I hope the last week has been good for you?


Last week I got the opportunity to go to darkest Wales, like right in the middle, to the Elan valley to work with an amazing woman and her team and see what they’ve done to their amazing location.


It started with a chance email, to Lisa inviting us to this retreat location in darkest Wales. Near the Elan valley. Not being one to turn down a road trip, we of course accepted our quest!


I love a road trip, and from where we are to the England/Wales border is boring, it’s all motorways. This is fine, our car eats miles, and cruise control is great. We entered Wales via the Prince of Wales bridge. And this transition point, soaring over the watery estuary lead us into a new country. Getting into the ‘Big Country’ was epic, our route took us from the big main roads, up and down steep valleys. Down roads where the hedges brushed both wing mirrors. With more dragons than we could shake a stick at.


We stopped a lot, selfies, and awesome scenery. And we arrived, after a long drive, and a dogey hotel at our destination. A 17th century house, nestled into a pine forest with aspects of ancient Celtic rainforest.


Giant oaks gnarled and twisted reached the skies and pencil straight pines pulled themselves into the mists rolling off the mountain. We explored waterfalls and the buildings. Getting our hands muddy in the moss and lichen covering ancient stone. We listened to harp music by a waterfall and followed a two-year-old as she led an expedition into the forest.


All in all, an amazing day of adventure and exploration. Connection and meeting awesome people.


Why am I telling you this? Aside from the brag. Well. Action. Action needs to be taken to manifest.


The runes all call for action in one form or another. This action was prompted by the rune Radio, the adventure, the journey. And when we got their Radio transitioned into Kenaz as we explored and investigated new adventures. The energy of the runes flowed into the relaxation around the fire that comes with Wunjo. All runic energies, all prompted with action.


We are not here to be passive in our experience of the world. We are here to take action. You don’t have to knee jerk reaction, thought out and planned action is just as or more important.


The runes, and their energies require action. Its not enough to use runes and then swipe on tiktoc and expect a result. This energy requires action.


That brings me to what is going on with the celestial runic energy at the moment. Seamless Segway, right?



Manni the moon is beginning to fade, his energy is waneing, getting ready to re-emerge in the next couple of weelks. Its all part of what he does, goes and gets distracted. Hati the moon eater is going to have to chase him a lot this cycle, as he is going to hide in an Eclipse around may 16th. This energy will be in Ingwaz, the hero, energy, with Mani bringing Hagalaz energy of change. Ingwaz brings epic potential with this energy that we are in the shadow off, with equality colossal potential for emotional change. The New moon is going to bring us a whole load of potential with emotional resilience and power with Mannaz. Action this energy by leaning into what you excel at in your world. Mannaz brings the potential of humans and combined with the flow of Laguz brings us lots of potential. Mannaz is human spirt, and we are good at creating abundance, and with Laguz energy we can make sure that there is fertile ground to plant our seeds of victory in. Mannaz spirit brings the human aspect, that strives to survive, to thrive and conquer. Laguz brings flow of nourishment and deep potential like the dark depts of the Fjords. Both thease energies combine with the new moon on the 30th of April.


This looming eclipse is going to pull that Manni the moon energy through Mannaz, Laguz and into Ingwaz, bringing that trifecta of arcane resonance. Use this load-stone like pull to course correct in your life, check into what your personal truth is and make sure you are acting towards that every day.


This merging of energy from the human of Mannaz, through the nourishing of Laguz to the Heroic potential of Ingwaz give you a powerful runic pull to heal. Heal your personal power, or that of a relationship, where one is slightly in the shadow of another.


The energy of this moon is building quite happily into a very felt experience as Laguz transitions into Ingwaz energy just before the eclipse.


In other cosmic new Odin is bringing his energy into the heroic energy of Ingwaz, all the sweet pleasing words will bring an earthy connection to build your excellence. Odin is the god of victory and poetry, so get your smooth words ready as the potential for yourself development can take seed on Friday. Words matter here. As long as they are followed by actions.


Vili the god of thought and his brother Vé the god of memory, are going to spring into retrograde this week. Lists will be your friend. And reminders on your phone. Don’t trust Siri, she will get just as confused. Vili and Vé start their five-month retrograde spin in Peroth, the luck and sex rune. Being super clear with your communication is going to be a winner here. Especially around sex. There is the potential for lots of overthinking and forgetting important things. Luck may not manifest how its expected. The way to mitigate this confusion is to plan and be super clear in how you convey your thoughts. It’s a good practice anyway and will be super useful during this time. Plan, and expect for confusion and miss-understandings and you will be victorious.

Do you like this format of runic information? Please hit reply and let me know.

Also, if you’ve not got my free runic protection guide sign up to my news letter to get it.



Big love



Rich xxx 


Moons, Eclipses and Maids


Runic energies and protection