Spring Equinox

This week has been a challenge for me, many things that I’d previously just coasted through have come and bitten me on the ass.


None in pleasant ways.


What I’ve noticed is that when I ignore stuff it comes back to get me.


Who’d have thought it right?


Lisa tells me that there is a Neptune and Saturn tomfoolery going on. I’m not entirely sure what that means. In Runic astrology Saturn is Loki, and he is not a fan of stagnant and inefficient rules, and Neptune is Aegir the god of the sea. He is about confusion and misdirection, and hidden depths. Much like the North Sea.


My understanding here is that the combination of the Loki energy and Aegir is that they will bring a complete challenge to all pre-conceived structures and hidden stories in the unconscious.


All the –it show stuff that we’ve hidden in our unconscious minds is likely to either have been stirred up or will be stirred up.


This is what is going on with my world. I hope your experience of this is slightly more fun!


This weekend I went to Glastonbury for the equinox, to bring in some new energy into my world. I got to hang out with some friends and get some good ju-ju on.


The old Norse had an idea that Mary, Jesus’ mum, had a tryst with the holy spirit. These ancient people loved the idea of Mary having sex, with God, as a ghost, so she was still a virgin. They called this day the Day of the lady.


This Day of the Lady is a celebration that starts the new growth, like a baby in the womb. And it’s about 9 months before Christmas. This really tickled the ancient Scandi people!


There is a good amount of energy bouncing around this week, from planetary vibration suturing up deep primal feelings within ourselves, a big o’le full moon over the weekend, the equinox and Mary-having-sex-with-a-ghost-day. All these energies combined can be an interesting.


To help you manage this energy, do what I did not, and take action. Action beats anxious feelings, depressed feelings, stress and overwhelm. That action does not have to be doing the thing, and oftern the ‘thing’ is going to cause you more stress. Move away from what is stressing you, letting those who need to know what is going on. Lovers, partners, friends, bosses etc. That way you are not hideing, you are removing yourself from the immediate stressor and allowing yourself to relax into being a human again. And not being a spikey ball of emotions.


There are also other techniques that help you drop into a more balanced space when the cosmos is throwing shade at you.


1.     Chanting, or singing works great. The movement of energy, air and power around your body helps to equalise energetic pressures and neurological ones to relax you.

2.     Moving your body, ie. Not sitting on the sofa watching gogglebox. Taking yourself up and about, to walk, or dance or even… run can help your body adjust and calibrate to the energies around you.

3.     Being outside. Being in nature is hugely beneficial when the energies around you are overwhelming. I know it’s not so easy, especially if you are in a city . The act of being in nature, hugging a tree, breathing the air is great to help your body and mind manage the energies around you.


So, that’s why I went to Glastonbury to help myself sort my stuff, being outside, and being able to feel the world around me, and do all three of the above things made life easier to handle.


Big love



Rich xxx





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