Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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Moons, Eclipses and Maids

Right you awesome human you.


There is a new moon coming, its going to be in the runic house of Mannaz the human spirt rune, a solar eclipse in the runic house of Laguz, the water and healing rune.  


‘Normally’ this would be a great time to manifest, using Manni’s ability to feel into the depths of people and Mannaz’s great potential. But.


And this is a big But.


Sunna hiding in Manni’s shadow with the depths of Laguz energy brings us back to the energy patterns that began way back on April 29th 2014.


What this new moon and eclipse energy is bringing is not manifesting and creating energy. Oh no. Its bringing completion energy. Like the neep tide, except with cosmic energy what you started to manifest 8 years ago is coming back to you now. Think Celine Dion.


What were you longing for? What processes did you start back then? Well guess what energy is coming back to roost? Or more accurately, flooding up the beaches of your soul with the completion energy of Laguz and Sunna.


What does this mean?


Well, unless you’ve done ALL THE WORK ™ then its going to be a bit ‘uncomfortable’.


Let that energy come and grab what works for you.


You can hunker down and ignore it, that may feel like you are drowning, and stuff that is not nailed down will wash away.


Or you can get your cosmic surfboard out, ride that wave of your personal excellence that has been 8 years in the making, picking up the energies you’ve not managed to activate, and storing them away until you are able too. Or just let the infinite depths of the cosmos claim them. Knowing all is recycled and will come again.


The practice here is one of the surfers, or longship Viking, it’s too know that there are massive waves coming, and to trust yourself and your skills to ride them. If you fight, then there is going to be a lot of energy wasted. You won’t be able to grab all the things, but you can grab some, or even just one. And that is a win.


This energy will feel like a pressure between your eyes, maybe lots of peeing, maybe some tears. The only way to get victory is to act on the energies that come your way as the Laguz/Sunna power comes flooding in. Consciously ignore things that you don’t want or are too big, consciously act to grab those things that are just right. Kind of like a surfing goldilocks.


Then trust your human spirt to carry the right energies to you to action as you deem fit.


Have an awesome weekend! And Joyus Beltane. Or Valborgs eve. When the Vikings would drink strong mead and wave blood red flags to celebrate the return of fertility. The most beautiful maid, or ‘diamond’ if you’ve been watching Bridgeton, would be festooned with flowers. And the May Jarl, or May Lord would carry a massive beech bough to woo her.


She would hold court under the branches of a beech tree, and share sweet bread and beer, he and his men would beg her indulgence, while holding the big lumps of wood. Then everyone would eat too much and drink too much.


So what ever you are doing this weekend, enjoy.