Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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Meeting friends and archetypes

Hail oh awesome human.


This week I got to go see some friends at a local fair, Herigeas Hundas, a re-enactment group I helped form, back in 2011. They were doing some Saxon and Viking re-enactment at the Southeast County Fair in the Uk. This good me thinking into how we interact with what we believe in. Re-enactment is essentially cosplay, and we build attachments to periods of time, story lines, avatars of deities, characters in books and movies.


We do this as part of our natural evolution to become better people on this school we call earth. Its part of how we are conditioned to work. For example. Alfric the leader of the group builds his kit like a 6th century pagan king from the Meonwara tribe. This is the same energy as someone cosplaying harry potter or dressing in punk clothes. We adopt the personality traits and influences from what we perceive as the best highest for of self-expression.  Within that comes creativity and artistry as we make the trappings that go along with that experience. This is how we create our selves, we model what our energies are drawn to. Be it love island, or the sex pistols. Or Vikings, or Yoginis. By having heroic avatars to aspire to gives us a sence of aspiration to be better to do better, in the context of how we choose to live.


And with that… on to the Astro!


Sunnasdag, or Sunday through to Tiwsdag or Tuesday, is going to be dominated by the experience of the coming super moon, Manni is going to be big and juicy in the sky!


Sunnasdag sees Manni the moon in Jera, the rune of harvest and fecundity. This energy is asking you to let go of the energies that are not serving you. When I say energies, I mean behaviours, patterns, thoughts, and feelings. These energies need to be consciously and unconsciously released from your being. DO that by every time you notice them, tell yourself you notice them. Then your energies learn that you don’t want that frequency.


By freeing up your energy you increase your attractiveness to Hamingja, or luck. Because you release energies that drain you, you have more capacity for energies that fill you up. The more capacity you have for awesome things, the more attractive you are to those things. Nature abhors a vacuum, so the universe will try and fill that space with good stuff. Let go of what does not work for you to give yourself space to receive the magic that does.


Sunnasdag has Manni aligned against Mirmir and Freya. This is calling up energy of companionship and heart work. Deep work here.  Freya and Mirmir are both in Laguz energy, and their magic is flowing and soft. Look to where your artistic creative expression can be enhanced. If you have Laguz in your birth runes then this is going to be on blast through your emotive self


Odin and Manni are also not seeing eye to eye. Odin is also catching up all the stuff he missed while wandering and Mannis current need to let it all go is winding him up. So, before you drop everything make sure the practicalities are working. Is your car good? Are your emails clean? Have you replied to that person? Then you can get ready to move on. This may cause some anxiety in your experience of the world. Do the work and it will resovle.


Moondag, or Monday.


Mengloth the healer and Tyr are together and working towards common goals. There is a lot of positive energy here, use it! There is opotuinity to change how we end something or actualy end something. Don’t rush it. Mengloth like to make sure all things happen in their time. Take a step back, Tyr likes to be creative, so let that energy flow. He is also tactical, so weave some of that into the mix too! Step back and look at where there is confusion or glamour around a situation. Where is the story not true, no matter how good it feels? Isaz is bringing a little glamour here. With Sunna’s energy flowing through that energy.


To make this energy be more easy to use and adapt make sure you are in your body. Take five deep breaths, each exhale wiggle your jaw. Stamp your feet so you can feel your toes, and wiggle your fingers so you can feel them too.


Don’t let the ideas of the grass is greener get perchance in your world. Comparing yourself to others leads to pain, and this Isaz energy that is coming through Sunna Right now builds constructs of confusion and fear. Remember you are unique and that Freya and Myrmir want you to be epically you. Not someone else. Be you and aspire to be a better version of you. There are clues out there, so follow them.


Odin is in Ingwaz, a place he quite likes, as tehre is lots of potential for growth here. Big Hero Energy, BHE! If you have Ingwaz in your birth runes, then you are going to get some potent medicine today! Especially if you are borne between the 14th and 29th of May.


Tyrsdag, or Tuesday


Today is all about Manni the moon being super. This energy is in Jera, the harvest and ripening rune. There is power in today. The power of placing yourself, consciously, in places and situations that will increase your luck and opportunities. There may be some anxiety or fear from an unknown source today. Don’t worry its known, and Manni being super close and encouraging you to step into the new version of yourself causes it. The old you are safe, the new you is unknown, epic, but unknown. So, accept that this feeling is part of your heroic self-making, and do it anyway.  See the procrastination and perfectionism that is present in the energies today and know that it’s a symptom of the old you leaving. Mengloth is around today as well, there is healing available if you choose to take it. This healing requires action. So take the action you are hesitant over and move forward into the healing energy. You don’t have to do this now, but over the next six months. Thor is bringing his abundant energy here, but only when you’ve let go of the fear. Having Jera in your birth runes will bring you some awesome energy.


Wodensdag, or Wednesday


Manni and Thor are throwing spoons at each other here, while Tyr and Mengloth are allied. This is a day to take stock and embrace the concept of Humpday. Do some solid reflection about your decisions and their effects. So, you can learn from them. Especially decisions you’ve made since Sunday. By reflecting you beat the second guessing and over stretching energy that this Manni/Thor/Tyr and Mengloth energy brings. The fear is your unevolved self. See the fear and do the thing anyway.



Moon in Jera, there is an energetic link confronting Thor, and Tyr and Mengloth are together. Recovery day, from the choice made. There may be a second guessing or reaching too far. This is fear, the unevolved self. See where that fear is inhibiting you. Use the Thor energy to move past that inhibition. He likes to make thigs easy for you, but not too easy, and remember he is distracted with Manni right now. This can cause this process to have some fear and reticence attached to it.


It’s important that you remember your mind and body are trying to keep yourself in the known. This is great, but the unknown is where the growth happens. Consciously step into that energy.


Thorsdag, or Thursday.


Manni is feeling buzzy in Peroth, and if you are going to have some adult fun this may be the day to get lucky. And any other sort of lucy you deem to focus on. If you can bring your focus to the practical, then look for the evidence of your upleveling today. Especialy around thoughts and feelings.


Tyr is in conflict with Aegir. Aegir’s ability to ground and temper the white-hot energy of Tyr can be useful. Explosive but useful. This tempering will make your power more useful and easier for you to access. There is Manni energy with Freya and Myrmir, they are not so close right now. Ideas of idealism and potential are separating from those of heart lead action. Its ok to follow your heart. Myrmir is patient and moves slowly. Remember there is more, and better things to come. Make sure you process and acknowledge yourself where you are right now. This will bring you more and greater victories to come.



Freyasdag or Friday.


Manni is in Algiz, bringing unions with Wunjo and Othala. The is potential for emotional objectivity, and a focus on happiness and the home. Practically, map out what you’ve overcome. Write it down. It is a deed work remembering. As when we see what we have done then we can move forward. Not what has shifted and changed.

When you see where you have come from its time to see where you want to go.




Lokisdag or Saturday

Manni is glowing with Sowolio energy. There is a conflict with Freya, Myrmir and a union with Loki going on today. So that’s going to be interesting.


New rules are the way of today. Step into your creativity and your voice, seek the structures and processes that suit your experience of the world. There is some Isaz energy bouncing around the edges, so not all is what it seems, all that glitters in not gold. But that path may well lead to gold. Be ready for some interesting events.


In your love life, change the dynamic of how you interact, add new experiences. Not just in the sack. But in relationship terms. Look to where your joy is, and where you’d want it to be.

 To discover your birth runes, get yourself a birth rune reading.

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