Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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Mapping the way

Hi awesome human


Today I wanted to talk about the soul. And guidance, I’m asked a lot for guidance, and ‘what shoud I do’ questions. Guidance and empowerment are my jam. I want to help people be as excellent in their experience of the world as possible. The most powerful and effective tool for this is the Soul Map readings. I’ve been doing thease for the last decade or so, and I find them super powerful and accessible.


What happens is the soul map energy patterning around your personal experience of the world is examined through the lens of the soul, and its 17 parts.


In my world view the soul is made up of 17 interconnected parts. Or energy centres. Not necessarily located in one place like chakras are in the eastern cosmology. But more a four-dimensional energetic representation of the now you.


The soul map consists of different energies, that hold almost focal essence for that power. For example, the first part of the soul is the Hame, this is our astral body, the ghost that inhabits our consciousness. The bit of us that is the core of our being.



Then we have the litr, the blooming health, our ability to heal and grow.


Our Lich, our physical-ness, the actual meat suit we walk around the world in.


Our Vili, our will power, our Mod, our mood, our Ond this is energy like prana. Our Huge, our reason, our mind, or memory, and our Gothi, our higher self. These are our internal elements, they are bound by our body and mind. Almost like chakras. These are most easily influenced by events in our personal experience of the world.  Then we step into the external the Fylgja, or spirit guide, Kinfylgja, or Ancestral Karma, Magen or energetic social capital, the Hamingja or luck. Then even more esoteric, the Ve, your precognition, your wod or divine connection or consciousness. And finally, your Orlog or lore of your life, and Wyrd your density or fate. This completes our soul map.


Lots of weird words there.


I draw from a pouch of different coloured beads, that correspond with different energy states, from blocked or damaged to exceptional or divinely influenced. And even normal. Each part of the map gets a bead that helps me and you to work out where your energy flows free, or where it needs some work. I populate the map with these beads, starting at the Hame, and moving up the ladder, and then to the 8 external energies.


Points on the soul map that are normal I leave alone, as your energy is pulsing fine without me there. Exceptional, Blocked, Wyrd or Week placements get a rune pulled to help heal or act on the energy states. Sometimes people have lots going on, often people with trauma or significant personal history of challenges. Other people have maybe one or two points that need attention or healing. There is no judgement, as everyone has been on their own pathway with life.


What is great with the soul map is that it provides very accurate and detailed paths of action for you to take to heal and grow. And especially lean into to what you are epic at. Or the soul map is very good at pointing out where you need to place more energy and focus. And tells you how to do it. Yes there is metaphor and interpretation to go through. It does not say insert tab a into slot b. It’s a little more esoteric than that.


What I see the soul map as is like a spiritual whole body MRI, we get to see all the things going on with you. All the influences that cause strife. All the things that cause epicness. The Soul map shows what is going on for you. And like an MRI it takes a little bit of interpreting to get it to make sense in the way you need it to.


Why am I telling you this? Well, I’m doing these readings more and more often at the moment, and my love language is service. So, I want to serve you. I’m noticing more people seeking guidance about life and I want to help.


I offer these readings in two ways, one where we talk via zoom. And do the reading then. And the other, I type it up for you, and email and/or post it to you.


Are you needing guidance or insight into your experience of the world?

head over here to get your soul map reading

Big love

Rich xxx