Manifest… Like a Viking

Manifestation/Goal Setting ‘Like a Viking’

Getting your Viking on to Manifest the future/ the you/ the whatever you want is a powerful experience. Here is how you go about it.


Any goal/manifestation that you write should answer every single question that I’ve got for you here, the bold bits. These instructions will help you build a manifestation document that works. Follow these instructions...

Stated in the positive.

What specifically do you want?

‘I want a house that is over a beach’ is good, ‘I don’t want to be living in a flat’ is not positive.

Specify present situation

"Where are you now?" We need a start place, for without a start place we will get lost.

I use ‘I reflect back at the time 3 years ago when I wrote this goal and recall the first step of the journey to this…’

You need to know where you started in your manifestation. A place to start, we all know where Frodo started…

Specify outcome

"What will you see, hear, feel, etc., when you

This means that you describe all the senses that influence. The look, feel, sounds, textures EVERY sense gets played with in this manifestation.

As if now.

When you write your manifestation, write it as if you are living that experience. Really embody it. Make it so it feels real for you. Set it in the future, a reasonable time, like 3-5 years. And this one is important, set it so you are looking through a movie camera at you. Like you are on TV. NOT seeing it through your eyes. 3rd person, not 1st person.

Specify evidence procedure.

How will you know when you have it? This one is great, what metrics need to be hit?

Does this idea feel good and desirable in you?

What will this outcome create for you, or allow you to do?

Is it self-initiated and self-maintained?

This means Is it only for you. You cannot control anyone else, even partners, kids etc. So, make this all about you. Keep the locus of control focused on you.

What is the context? Where, when, how, and with who do you want it?

What resources are needed?

What do you have now, and what do you need to get your outcome?

Have you ever had or done this before?

Do you know anyone who has?

Can you act as if you have it?

Is it right for you?

For what purpose do you want this?

What will you gain or lose if you have it?

What will happen if you get it?

What won't happen if you get it?

What will happen if you don't get it?

What won't happen if you don't get it?

What else about this Neurological, Magic Manifesting process? Well…

Stated in positive terms - in other words it should state what you want and not

what you don't want, your neurology/ energy only hears positive.

A Manifestation is something you can control and hence should be free of input from others. Like, if you and your partner had a goal of buying a house and you were going to contribute 200K and the partner was going to contribute 300K, then your goal is NOT the house. It is the 200K because that is what you can control

You control your neurology, and no one else’s.

When you write your manifestation, it should be very compelling! Make sure that it feels super good for you.

Consider the ecology of your goal and the journey to it. Whilst others might benefit from you achieving the goal, the route to the goal may have an impact on them too! This means that in your bid to be the first Martian, who else will get pulled along with you? If your kids or partner will be affected by your Manifestation, get their consent. They need to say yes. Or your social neurology will not grow.

First step is specified and achievable. Make sure it’s not ‘NASA accepts me’ it’s something where you are now, ‘My Skills are ones that NASA has published that they want’

Does it increase choice?

Our neurology has to be able to adapt, if it does not, we die. So, If not mars, will Mercuary do? Or the moon? Will a £500 000 house be ok? Or does it have to be £300 000? Build in scope for choice and dynamics. In mine, I made a big thing of a black shirt, I do not own a black shirt. I am now going to order a black shirt. This was less than wise on my part.

When you have written your manifestation, then ask yourself the following questions every day. "What did I do yesterday to achieve my goal?" and "What am I going to do today to achieve my goal?"

I got this from my teacher… An example of a good manifestation.

Its July 1st 2015 and I am sitting in my 5 bedroom, detached, neo Georgian house near Guildford. The lounge is 45 feet long and 25 feet wide and the floors throughout the house are oak. The room is decorated in pastel shades of green, blending in perfectly with the French curtains and the Italian furniture. There is a spacious feel about the whole house as each room is large allowing a sense of freedom. Each room is decorated to my taste and I am delighted with the overall feel of the house. I can see the garden through the window, the beautifully manicured lawns bordered by borders filled with summer blossoms. As I smell the scents of the garden floating in through the French windows I reflect back at the time 3years ago when I wrote this goal and recall the first step of the journey to this house when I set up my own practice. My house has a large office where I now operate my business in therapy, coaching and training.

My husband, my daughter and I are happier & closer and are all enjoying the new space afforded by the house. As I sit here now I have a real sense of achievement, a feeling of well-being and excitement of finally achieving some of my potential. The house is mortgaged to 50% of its value on the day I purchased it.

So, you’ve got an idea how to use your body’s ability to touch the universe to manifest your future into what you want. Now is a good time, we are currently new mooning.

This method does work, I’m three years into my plan.

There are ways to make this even more powerful, however its 1-2-1 face to face that can’t be done over the internet. At least, I’m not prepared too, as if the connection goes wonky when we are in deep trance the chance for pain is high. When the world opens up, I’ll be running personal Neurological Manifestation workshops and 1-2-1s.


Power Points and Sacred Spaces

