Frey and Gurda

Story Sunday: Frey's love for Gurda

The story of Frey's love for Gurda starts as a bored Frey sat on the high seat in Asguard, Woden's chair that allows views across all of the nine worlds. Frey's gaze took him to Joutunhiem, the giants land. Where he saw Gurda. She was radiant, clad in shimmering diaphanous clothes that changed colours as she moved. Frey fell instantly in love. He decided he must have her as his wife.

Being the Lord of the Sun and the spring melt, Frey was hated by the Joutun, and therefore away from Joutonheim as he was liable to be met with the full might of the frost giants. So he went and found his close friend and retainer, Skirni. Skirni agreed to travel to Joutunhiem and proposition Grimir for his daughters hand for his friend and master. Skirni knew that it would be a difficult task as his master was hated in the land of frost. However he knew that Frey would be a good match for the radiant Gurda. So he packed some gifts, fine sea-fire of gold, broaches of finest silver, gold and blood red garnet, glass forged by the alfs that live in Freys domain.

With these princely gifts he travelled the worlds realm to Jotunhiem. He crossed the turbulent river Iving, and into the ice blasted lands. He travelled to the Grimirs' hall, a mighty structure of thick logs with a heavy thatched roof, the walls covered with grand carvings showing battles between the gods and the giants.

As hospitality demanded, Grimir welcomed the stranger into his home and offered him warmth, food and drink. Skírnir knew that if he let it be known who his master was then he would be held as hostage. However the laws of honour demanded he tell his host who he was. So using his wiles he said he was a messenger from a mighty man who wanted to win his daughter, Gurda's hand in marriage.

Now Grimir was used to such messengers, his daughter being as radiant and beautiful as the sun. He demanded to know what bride price was offered. Skírnir opened the first pack, and produced thick chains of bright sea-fire gold. He placed these on the floor by Grimirs' feet and when the mighty giant did not bat an eye, he returned to the saddle bags. He produced fine dress broaches set with silver gold and fire garnets. These too he placed at his host‟s feat. Again the mighty giant looked on impassively.

Unbeknownst to Skírnir he had forgotten to remove his ring, a ring that displayed the boar of Frey, marking Skírnir as his man. Grimir a mighty warrior and fearsome tactician saw that ring, and began to formulate a plan. A plan to embarrass the hated lord of the Sun, and to grew his power.

Grimir said that the metals and jewels at his feet were a good start, but he would need more, he asked for weapons, nine nines of enchanted spears that would cut through any shield, and nine nines shields that would defend from attack. Skírnir thanked the giant for his time, and begged leave to return to his master to ask about the bridal price.

Frey was anxiously waiting at the walls of Asgard for his friend and retainer to return. When he did he asked for news on his suit toward Gurda. Skírnir told the tale of his visit to Grimirhold and what the bridal price was. Frey was smitten with love and lust for Gurda, did not think of the


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consequence of the weapons. He instantly went to find Wayland the smith of the gods. Wayland forged the spears and shields for him in a day and a night of fire and of heat, of metal and wood. The spears stood like a steel tipped forest, and the shields stood like the scales of a fish.

The pack train that went into the frosted lands was led again by Skírnir. His gift was well received by Grimir, however the giant lord had one last demand before he let his daughter hand be taken. He had gold, silver and gems beyond counting, he had spears forged by the gods own smith, and shields to guard his warriors. He wanted more.

He wanted to humble the mighty Frey. Grimir thought long and hard. What could he demand that Frey would not give up? Something that would humble the powerful god?

Now as all men know to be counted a free man you must bear a spear, however the mark of much honour is a man's sword, and the sun gods sword was magic, it fought with its own dazzling power, it struck with the force of Sunnas mighty strike. It had slain many giant-kin in the aeons old battle between Asgard and Jotunhiem. This would be the final bridal price. The Lævateinn the Devastation Branch, Freys sword. A blow to his honour when he would not be able to give it up.

This idea pleased Grimir.

The giant lord did not however bargain with the depths of Freys desire for his daughter. Though it rent his heart Frey sent his beloved sword, a sword so powerful it could fight for itself, as long as its wielder was wise, to Jotunhiem to be a bridal price.

Grimir was shocked, surprised and pleased that his enemy had agreed to this massive loss to his stature. However Skírnir had brought a likeness, his lords face set in a shimmering peace of amber, to gift to Gurda, and the giantess seeing the face of the man who courted her, was instantly struck with a deep longing.

When her father told Gurda that she was to be wed to a god of Asgard she was over the moon and travelled back to the city of the gods, where she and Frey fell into each other‟s arms.

You can see them today, Frey escorts Sunna on her daily journeys around Midguard, and Gurda can be seen dancing in the far north, her shimmering dress sparkles and glows in the north darkened sky. Today we know her dance as the Aurora Borealis.


If you go down to the woods today…


Power Points and Sacred Spaces