Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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Bog Oak

One of my favoarate things to do is to make bog oak pendants for people. These are 5000 year old oak wood that has sat at the bottom of a bog for five millennium.


I then burn your runic energy onto them and send them off to you after a little magic.


What I love about bog oak is that it is ancient. And I mean ancient. The stuff I’m using at the moment fell into a bog around the same time as stone henge was being built. Before humans learned to make bronze tools! This is a very long time ago.


This wood has a potent energy, and I realy enjoy working with it.


It’s energy is a very primitive one, as you might well imagine, and it is a very deep sucking energy. Because it’s been under water for thousands of years, with minimal oxygen it has endured a lot.


All the sun codes from that massive period, all the rain and storm codes. The water that is as old as the planet. All this energy has influenced these ancient woods development. What the result is for this wood that has been in a bog for 5000 years? Well, it’s an amazing filter, it takes in all the energy and only lets through what is good. Kind of like your coffee filter, stops the coffee grinds getting in the drink, and lets the wake up magic juice fall through. This is what the bog oak does, it filters all the energies coming too you and only lets the good stuff through.


A bit of advice through, don’t get exposed too much neggo in one go, as the same with your coffee, the filter will fill up and the ‘contaminated’ coffee gets everywhere. We do not want that to happen to you!


The wood naturally transmutes the negative stuff that is caught in its filter as you sleep, leaving you regenerated and powerful in your energy field. Kind of like an energetic compost heap, without the smell or the mice.


This is why I love working with bog oak and the runes, as the ancient bog oak energy complements the runic energy perfectly.


Get your bog oak pendant here: Bog oak