Runic Astrology: Heroes

Hi radiant one. Some Cosmic Rune Star Maps for you for the next few days. From May 16-24th Sunna the goddess of the sun and her chariot are at Sunnafell. The peak of her ride when she connects with the Svinfylking. This tribe of gods are part of the Hero energy of Ingwaz. And this Heroic energy is magnified 9 times.

The Svinfylking are seven celestial warriors prepared to do epic deeds, we see them in the sky arrayed for battle. In their wedge, or triangle formation. The Inwaz energy combined with the celestial warrior energy and Sunna aligning all that good stuff brings some powerful Wyrd Codes.

The Svinfylking in their battle array is here to pierce and destroy illusions and confusion. The energy pathways of the world, Ley Lines, are charged and activated by this cosmic energy, with the heroic energy of Ingwaz flowing through them. The Svinfylking push all shadows away, leaving the truth and clarity that comes after a storm.

Ancient star clocks like the the pyramids and the rock formations in Scandinavia like The Haga dolmen were there to track this celestial energy. And then transmit it across the globe. From Site to site, from Henge to Dolman, from temple to pyramid. This energy is flowing now.

For the next few days, be in the mid-day sun, and the night sky. Feel those codes flow into your body, energy, mind and spirt. This energy is evolutionary for your internal and external pathways, so don’t take it lightly. A new pulse of Sunna code and celestial star codes are here to help you navigate your way around your experience in this world, and the energetic ones you may encounter. The hero energy of Ingwaz and the Celestial Warriors of the Svinfylking are holding space for you to step into a new threshold of your experience. The shield wall of the gods is holding that gap for you.

The inactivated codes and energies that reside within you are waiting patiently for you to access them. This is a time when you can. You have the seed energy of Ingwaz flowing along the star pathways, and the earthy laylines, as well as through your nervous system. You have this potential, and you get to choose to access it.


Well, first, get outside. Let those codes flow onto your skin. You don’t have to be butt necked. Suns out guns out, let your legs out too. Consciously let those Wyrd codes flow into you from Sunna and the Svinfylking. Intentionally choose the activation of your hidden depths, your potential.


Manifest with this vibrational energy. Write it out, three times, how you will be changed by this energy. What you are going to be seeing and feeling in life. State it in the present tense when you write it out.


Use the Ingwaz rune to bring that energy in, put it on your alter, or in your pocket.


Feast with family and friends.

Have a great energising few days!

Big love

Rich xxx


Soul Maps and Hero Energy


Moons in the woods