3 Runes to Manifest With

Three Runes to help you manifest.


Manifestation is a tool, a skill, and an ability that we all have access too. Its part of our magic, magic that we have in our cells and DNA.


It’s in you, it’s in me, and it’s our birth right.


One problem is that we don’t come with a manual on how to access our awesome magical powers.


This is a flaw I feel, and if we had a warranty there may well be a recall.


What we do have is thousands of years of spiritual and metaphysical development by witches, shaman, völva, and mystics to inform and develop our user guide. Our culture then burned all the people who did not agree with one version of the manual. So, we are all now reliant of fan fiction.


Part of that fan fiction is the reconstruction of the ancient Nordic runes, these singles carved in rock, wood and bone gave us the basics of how to access this manifestation birth right.


The ancient norsemen had this lore of human magic and manifestation, as did the clans of the celts, the tribes of Africa, the peoples of the planes, the men of the forests and the amazon. What I’m interested in the Runes. So that’s what you are going to get.


Manifestation with the runes is kind of one of their main purposes. Bringing the energy into the world that you require and long for.


We all know to Kiss, well yes that way, but also Keep It Simple. Lets look at three runes to help you manifest.


The first is Nauthiz. The rune of need. Manifestation requires a need. An energy that activates the whole thing. This energy is ideally not a push energy. A push energy is ‘I don’t want to be poor’ or ‘I don’t want to be lonely’ it’s pushing you away from the thing.


This requires lots of energy and is an attraction energy. So, you’d attract bring poor, or lonely. Kind of like being allergic to cats. Cats can sense this and will sit on you. This push away from energy attracts the energy you are trying to move away from. Like allergies and cats.


This lore is uniformly a dick, but it’s true.


Make sure your need is a pull energy. Pull energy is energy that sucks you too it. Using cats again, you know when you want to hug the cat and it runs away? This energy pulls you towards the cat. Don’t be desperate though, the cat/energy can feel desperation and that repels too.


You thought this would be easy.

Your need is required to start the power of the manifestation, but you need must attract energy not repel it. Nauthiz is the rune of need, the need to breath when you’ve been under water too long. This need activates that manifestation.


What are you going to start your manifestation with? Where is your need? Where does Nauthiz appear for you?


The next rune we will use is Algiz, this is the rune of edges, barriers, and limits. Manifestation requires a limit. How will you know when you’ve manifested what you want?


‘Oh lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz’


Simple metric of success, a merc. It does not say when or how. Give your manifestation edges. You don’t want your merc to arrive via the loss of both your arms in a freak chinchilla accident, do you? Apply limits to your manifestation, but, and here is the important but.


Don’t shut down unexpected avenues. What if your manifestation occurs through you getting hit by a meteorite and then becoming the foremost expert of manifesting through meteorite strikes? Make sure you include non-negotiables in your manifestation. What will you not sacrifice to this energy? Your health? Your relationship? Your Home? Give the universe avenues to flow this energy to you, but don’t let it flood. As then the energy becomes disparate and not tangible, so you can’t access it effectively.


Algiz is the rune of edges, use this rune to manifest what you want, and just what you want.


The last rune is Peroth, this is the rune of luck.


Not like the luck of the roulette wheel. But the luck of acting and acting on what fate presents you. Peroth is not passive, it needs to be courted, acted on and empowered. Just like your manifestation.


Just sitting on the sofa watching Below Decks and eating Cheetos will not manifest anything, aside from boggling at Captain Lee for not strangling his crew. Peroth and Manifestation require action.


Act to be lucky and manifest. Act on your luck. Act towards your manifestation. This energy flows like lava. Slow steady, and surprisingly fast. You’ll be brushing Cheetos off your top, and sending that email when all of a sudden that DM will appear.


So those are your three runes to manifest. Naudiz, Algiz, and Peroth. Go forth, manifest, and be awesome.



Also, tell me about it in the comments.

Big Love


Rich xxx


Fear and Loathing

