2s, all the fing 2s

All the twos today.


This is, according to Instagram a portal.


I’m not sure about that, but what I’m sure about is that collective energy has the power to make stuff happen. I’m not down with astrology, there are some astro bits going on right now.


Mercury has gone full direct. All that shadow BS has resolved.


What are we to do with this 2222022 energy? Well, it’s an energy that is constructed from the hopes and energy of millions. Unified through the internet all around the globe. This energy of all the 2’s is one of manifestation and strength.


There is loads of numerology stuff around 2’s I’m not into that, but check out @themysticalarts if you want to get into that. I’m down with the runes. The rune with 2 is Uruz.


Today is this day with six 2s. Six Uruz energy is something to behold. We’ve not seen such energy focused through the hearts and hopes of so many. Uruz amplified to two to the power of six, sixty four.


Sixty-four times as powerful Uruz energy. Uruz is the Auruchs, the primal Buffalo of ancient European forests. Its power was that of huge strength and endurance. This strength is what manifests through this rune. The poem also talks of Uruz stalking moodily through the moors.


Moodily is a state of exitance, not how we see it today, like a teenager with too much make up looking at my chemical romance posters while sulking about fish fingers. Moodily back in the day of the Saxons and Vikings meant secure in one’s own mind and desires.


Use your power of sixty four Uruz energy to focus your mental powers to manifest. In the yogic path 2 is the hungry mind, the mind that desires. This fits here too. Use your focused hungry mind to manifest your future. Your future that you wish to create. This is not a time or place to mince your words, URUZ it out. Push over the trees. Be focused and direct in your manifestation today. Bring that power to bear on what you long for.


Use your Mód, your Mood, to the power of six, your Uruz to the power of six to bring the energy you want into the world.


Grab your inner 64 Auroch by the horns, face them towards your dreams and ride them into the future you are yearning for.


The Dragon Slayer


Fear and Loathing