Havamal 127

 Ráðumk þér Loddfáfnir 

en þú ráð nemir 

njóta mundu ef þú nemr 

þér munu góð ef þú getr 

hvars þú böl kannt 

kveðu þat bölvi at

ok gefat þínum fjándum frið


Dear reader,

If you perceive wickedness denounce it,  

Do not rest until wickedness is cast out 



There is an unfortunate association of the Northern Tradition with right wing, white supremist fools. Due, mainly, that a failed Austrian painter used Norse symbolism in 1930s and 40s to promote an ideology of hate. In modern times, said fools have grabbed anything that they believe supports their corrupt, ignorant and dishonourable ideology. From runic symbols to names of tribes and myths. 


This has nothing to-do with historical or modern Nordic tradition. 

I universally condem those of foolish thinking and behaviour who try to use ancient nordic symbols and words in their ignorant and sad adgenda.

A video will be coming soon, as I want to make this clear.


Big love



Rich xx